Hello Friends
Hello friends, fans and followers of my musical endeavors..
As you can see from the video above, Radney Foster and I have reunited to make the first album we've done in twenty years. Here, we are doing the title cut called, "It's Already Tomorrow" and it sure feels that way. Doing another project together came out of a renewed bout of co-writing songs. The process was great fun and the reaction has been overwhelming. We were able to record the album as a combo with Keith Brogdon on drums (who plays with Radney on the road) and Tom Petersson (who plays bass with Cheap Trick). We got a few other friends like Sam Bush, Lloyd Green and Beth Nielsen Chapman to add their talents in a few spots and we had ourselves a new record!
While we're no longer on RCA Records like the old days, we released the cd on our own imprint called "Effin' Ell Records". With so many record stores having closed and major chains decreasing their music sections, we very much appreciate all the folks who found and ordered "It's Already Tomorrow". You'll be able to find it right here on my refurbished website: http://www.billlloydmusic.net
Foster and Lloyd have been able to tour this last year and it's been great fun and wonderful to see so many old friends. We will continue playing Foster and Lloyd shows into the next year. We're already talking about recording another record down the line so we're not planning on letting another twenty years go by in between albums.
A good bit of time has passed since I released a solo album as well. "Back to Even" came out in 2004 and I was pleased it got such a positive response from fans and critics. I have recorded another one over the last few years in bits and pieces. I've been working with some talented friends who recorded and mixed these tracks for me. Since I was a young teen, I always wanted to make a record where I wrote, played and sang the whole thing myself so that's what I finally did this time around. I'm happy with the way it turned out. The album will be called "Boy King of Tokyo" and I hope to have it out in early 2012. You'll be able to find it on my refurbished website: http://www.billlloydmusic.net
There's a good bit of information on the site that you you'll also be able to find links there to all my musical projects that include Foster and Lloyd and The Long Players.
I lost control of my dot com website I had years back so PLEASE ignore the bill lloyd.com site that is out there.
As 2011 comes to a close and the holidays approach, it's an especially good time to take stock and give thanks for the good things. Thanks to you all for the support you've shown. Through my website you will see that we're offering a reduced rate on my cd titles in hopes that the gift of music is a part of your stocking stuffing. Hope to see you soon and the best to you and yours.
Blurt-Online.com Reviews Foster and Lloyd
Foster and Lloyd

(EffinEll Records)
Reuniting bands can be an iffy proposition; either they work (The Jayhawks), they don't (Stone Temple Pilots, Poison) or they don't really count (Guns ‘N Roses, Smashing Pumpkins). In the case of late 1980s rockabilly/alt-country wonders Foster and Lloyd, it has definitely worked out. The duo's latest release It's Already Tomorrow, their first since 1990's Version of the Truth is a wonderful return to the sounds that keep me even marginally interested in country during my punk rock teenage years.
The joy Radney Foster and Bill Lloyd feel about being back together is all over It's Already Tomorrow. Fans of hits like "Crazy over You," "Sure Thing," "What Do You Want from Me This Time" will be knocked out by the tunes that make up this revival. There's Roger Miller like humor ("That's What She Said"), surrealist discussions on a master artist painting, of all things, a mandolin ("Picasso's Mandolin"), a straight up rocker ("Don't Throw It Away") classic Foster and Lloyd ("You Can't Make Love Make Sense") and a heart touching lament on what could be taken as a father giving away his daughter to a new life ("When I Finally Let You Go"). While the funny numbers are good on It's Already Tomorrow, the real power of the pair's writing prowess comes from the ballads like "When I Finally Let You Go" and "If It Hadn't Been For You"; it's clear that, though both Foster and Lloyd had success in their solo careers, the real spark for their songwriting comes from one another.
When I listen to "new country" like Brad Paisley and Keith Urban, I hear the heavy influence of Foster and Lloyd looming in their guitars, melodies and whip smart lyrics. But, there has been something lacking; something that didn't make it seem genuine, like a voice unheard looming between the lines and fretwork. Now, those voices are no longer just memories. Foster and Lloyd are back and hopefully It's Already Tomorrow isn't that last we hear of them.
Foster & Lloyd in Maverick - 4.5 Stars